My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Saturday, August 01, 2009

it's over till next year!!!!!

whew!!!! i have survived another state survey! it is over thank has been a long week...they finally left the building about 9pm on thursday night...we finished with 7 tags and we are going to dispute one of of the tags i totally disagree with, but i am not going to discuss that...we did not get any "F" tags...this is HUGE....the good thing is that because they stay so long and there is down time for those of us who are not on the firing line...i was able to get caught up on alot of paperwork, filing and such that has been piling up on my desk...of course then it was my turn to be on the firing line...we have a new administrator who is AWESOME...bless her heart....her first full week on the job and the state walks in the building...i have high hopes for us and i think we are a great LIVING CENTER....i feel like i have the potential to grow both personally and professionally...i am super excited...i have been down and doubtful over the past couple of months but i am refreshed now...hope everyone has a great week!!!!!

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