My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

it does not get better than this....

i guess me posting on blogspot and facebook is redundent...but some of the people who answer or follow my blog are not on facebook and vice versa...with that said i feel a bit abandoned...several people who read facebook answer or comment on my notes but i feel like i have stalkers on blogspot with no commenters...ok maybe i don't have anything better to do....or think about my strategy is to see how many people i can make jealous once i tell how wonderful of a day i had today....ok i know that is not a real Christian thing to do but a woman is forced to take drastic here goes...

i worked 2 hours today and got paid for a whole i worked saturday as manager on duty but i had to leave early because of children but anyway...i worked 2 hours this morning and went to the not a great visit but i did find out why my shoulder hurts...i have torn my labrum which is the tissue that anchors the tendons and ligaments in place as well as keeping your shoulder in the socket...please do not ask me how i did it because it is VERY stupid....probably going to have to have surgery but oh well that is not new for on to the good stuff...

i went to have lunch with a very good looking man...i asked him not to tell his wife and he asked that i not tell my husband...mmmmm they are the same i went to the galleria and did some school my nails done...something i don't ever do...came home and my hubby...that same guy i had lunch with...cooked supper....chicken fettucini was has been a good it has been a great day.....

1 comment:

Dana said...

Well, I don't want to be a stalker so.. Better leave a comment :). I think it's good that you post it in both places. I sometimes miss stuff on facebook. It does sound like a wonderful day! The only thing I suggest is that the next time, you wait until I'm in town and take a friend ;).