My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Sunday, August 30, 2009

life is but a vapor....

the Bible teaches us that life is but a many times we especially myself take that for granted....i think oh i am just 34 years old i have plenty of time left on this earth...or there will always be tomorrow...over the past couple of weeks it has been layed on my heart that we are not promised tomorrow and that things can change in a blink of an eye...two weeks ago i buried a sweet friend of mine who was like a niece to me...yes she had fought cancer for 14 years but she was only 19 years a moment her life and her family's life changed forever...this young lady did not like to be told that she was an "inspiration"...she would say "what choice did i have?" but she was an encouragment...she was a light to this dark world...she was always concerned for others....i also buried a dear friend of mine that i went to high school with...his death was very unexpected...he left a family behind and so many friends....he was ever the practical joker and could always make you smile....this past friday night our head football coach who was one of my teachers when i was in school died suddenly of a massive heart attack...he got to feeling bad during the game...ambulance took him to the hospital but before he got there he died...i used to go to church with coach...he would practice the boys until 6 on wednesday night bring them to church in his truck...stinking to the high heavens...he did not smell that good either...they would eat dinner at church and then go to class...he was a Christian first and a coach second...he lived the talk everyday....he was only 48 years old...the older i get the younger that seems...he was the only dad some of these kids have ever is just really sad that such positive people's lives are cut short...and yesterday we buried a fine Christian man who helped build the church where i grew up...quiet but strong...he left a grandson who loved him so much...he is beside himself and sad...but we know that they are in heaven with the other angelsmy hope is that i can remember that we are not promised tomorrow...

Friday, August 28, 2009

life is good....

i am so blessed...i am so excited...i have had a pretty rough week with just various work related junk...but i have a job...anyway...had i known that things were going to work out the way have this week i could be sitting in atlanta, ga, with some girlfriends at the women of faith conference...but you see God knows so much more than i of my favorite sisters...becky...called me and said, do you remember talking about going to see beth moore in memphis, tn, in october...i said yes...she says would you still like to go...i said yes...i don't know what changed and i am not asking any questions, but me and my "siesta" are booked to go see her, booked at the holiday inn and are ready for a road trip....we were college roommates...we met one night and became roommates the same night...i know beck is reading this but i must tell everyone if you need someone to pray for you or just get you straight beck is the one...she has been my rock through so many don't get me wrong..all of my other "siestas" are special your own way...becky is special to me just as you all are....i am in need of some God time, some beck time and some rejuvination time...i think that is a word....and to top it off...

i have tickets to the university of alabama homecoming game against south is good....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i need deoderant....

ok so we are all in the back to school swing of things....we were at walmart sunday night battling the gangs of people in pell city....yes i said gangs...i really think they would fit in nicely on some street in son, aka opie, says, "mom, i need to tell you something"...that sounds innocent enough..he says, "i need some deoderant"...ok, he is 10 years old, so i was not totally caught off was the next statement that got me, "i want dad to help me"...i have been bumped.., i suck it up and say i tell my hubby the situation...he lovingly takes opie to the "smell good" the time we left walmart we had every flavor of axe product you can think my dad would say, "he was going to smell like a siagon street walker"....ok so anyway we buy the products and go home...

i was not prepared for the next series of events...we get home and opie says, "i am ready to take my shower"...please remember this is my own personal know the character from peanuts...i said, "excuse me"..."yes i am ready to take my shower...tomorrow is the first day of school and i have to smell good for dana" dana is a little girl that he has been infatuated with for a couple of we get the shower and we get "axed" up... he gets out of the shower and is so excited...he wants me to smell him...oh he smelled so you know how long it has been since my little boy smelled good...yes we bathe him but he has had this "male smell" for about a year...

so the first day of school went off without a hitch...he came home to tell me that he "almost caught that fish" referring to dana...after i explained to him how ladies do not like to be called names..he informed me that he needs to take a shower in the morning so that he "is fresh"...i thought i would fall in the floor...sure enough he geets up tuesday morning and takes a shower and gets all "axed up" again...he comes home to tell me, "momma, i caught that fish today"...of course i laughed but again reminded him how ladies do not like to be referred to as he is now convinced that if he smells good then dana will forever be his for the finale....

last night i asked him, "jacob, did you ask dana to go with you?" he says, "go where?" there you go folks modern day mayberry with a real live opie...

Sunday, August 09, 2009

happy anniversary to us....

12 years ago today i was married to the most wonderful man left on the face of the for those of you who don't know the story here it is...we met on a blind date...the first words out of his mouth were, "i have been married once and i am not going down that road again." that was in january, we were engaged in february and married in august - all of the same year...i suddenly was a wife and a mother to a beautiful little girl named jamie...truth be known i fell in love with her before i fell in love with her dad....we have been through alot in 12 years...we have had a little boy who keeps us on our toes, we have watched our beautiful daughter grow up into a beautiful young lady, we have made so many memories together....words can never describe the joy that stephen has brought to me nor how much he has taught me...he has not knocked my teeth out for my smart mouth...he lets me do whatever i want...he supports me in every hairbrained idea i have...i hope that he loves me as much as i love him...i hope we have many many more years together...i love you stephen....

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

it does not get better than this....

i guess me posting on blogspot and facebook is redundent...but some of the people who answer or follow my blog are not on facebook and vice versa...with that said i feel a bit abandoned...several people who read facebook answer or comment on my notes but i feel like i have stalkers on blogspot with no commenters...ok maybe i don't have anything better to do....or think about my strategy is to see how many people i can make jealous once i tell how wonderful of a day i had today....ok i know that is not a real Christian thing to do but a woman is forced to take drastic here goes...

i worked 2 hours today and got paid for a whole i worked saturday as manager on duty but i had to leave early because of children but anyway...i worked 2 hours this morning and went to the not a great visit but i did find out why my shoulder hurts...i have torn my labrum which is the tissue that anchors the tendons and ligaments in place as well as keeping your shoulder in the socket...please do not ask me how i did it because it is VERY stupid....probably going to have to have surgery but oh well that is not new for on to the good stuff...

i went to have lunch with a very good looking man...i asked him not to tell his wife and he asked that i not tell my husband...mmmmm they are the same i went to the galleria and did some school my nails done...something i don't ever do...came home and my hubby...that same guy i had lunch with...cooked supper....chicken fettucini was has been a good it has been a great day.....

Saturday, August 01, 2009

it's over till next year!!!!!

whew!!!! i have survived another state survey! it is over thank has been a long week...they finally left the building about 9pm on thursday night...we finished with 7 tags and we are going to dispute one of of the tags i totally disagree with, but i am not going to discuss that...we did not get any "F" tags...this is HUGE....the good thing is that because they stay so long and there is down time for those of us who are not on the firing line...i was able to get caught up on alot of paperwork, filing and such that has been piling up on my desk...of course then it was my turn to be on the firing line...we have a new administrator who is AWESOME...bless her heart....her first full week on the job and the state walks in the building...i have high hopes for us and i think we are a great LIVING CENTER....i feel like i have the potential to grow both personally and professionally...i am super excited...i have been down and doubtful over the past couple of months but i am refreshed now...hope everyone has a great week!!!!!