My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Come on 2007....

Okay, I have to be the most negligent blogger ever. But I have decided that I am going to do better at blogging. It is a good way for my friends and family to keep up with our day to day lives, but it is also good therapy. Here goes...

I have decided that 2006 has not been a good year. Well I guess it actually started in December. As many of you know, Stephen's dad was diagnosed with cancer in December. I began my adventure with kidney stones in February. Stephen's dad died in March. More kidney stones in April and May. Left DHR, otherwise known as hell, in May. Had a serious situation with Jamie in May. Started a new job at Medical Center East in May. Got pneumonia in June. Made it through July and August without too many bumps. End of September begins the latest...

On September 27, I am driving down Highway 78 and I black out. Yes I said black out. Some how I managed not to flip my truck and ended up in the Food World parking lot. EMS came and got me and took me to Trinity Medical Center - used to be Montclair. My heart is going crazy, blood pressure is sky rocketing and my blood sugar is over 500. Should I mention that I had just had the ^%&^^%*& scared out of me . Anyway, they thought I had had a MI - heart attack. They admit me to the hospital. On Thursday, I go through my first and hopefully last arteriorgram. The outcome was at the tender age of 31 I have "mild coronary artery disease" - thanks diabetes. The cardiologist said it was not enough to worry about at this time - easy for you to say. They dismiss me from the hospital on Saturday. Don't understand why since I was still tachycardic as well as blood pressure still high. Went back to work on Monday. Get on MICU, get cold, clammy, sweaty, tachycardic, blood pressure - get the picture? Needless to say they put me back in the hospital - October 2 - 6. During this hospitalization, they come to the conclusion that I have H. Pylorei, high blood pressure and hyperthyroidism. Did I mention I have gained 32 pounds since July? Let me just tell those of you who are not 30 yet - it goes down hill - slap down hill. So I have to go on this suicide concoction of antibiotics that actually made me feel worse than when I blacked out and had a tube run up my leg to my heart. So I get out of the hospital on October 6. I won't even go into the war that my doctor and I got into. He basically told me I was a fat ass drug addict. I'll share more later. I go back to work on October 8 only to be written up, or as Medical Center East calls it, "positively redirected" because I had excessive absences. Oh I'm sorry I was a patient in your hospital. HELLO! Anyway, drama continues with "orientation reunion." This was a waste of time. This is where the newest employees of MCE come together to talk about their first six months of employment. Oh my - don't you know that I had an earful for them.

Then we go to Maw Maw's house, and wouldn't you know it - a kidney stone hit from hell. I got to pay a visit to the largest hospital in Georgiana, AL. I did not care what hospital big or small as long as they made the pain go away. Meanwhile back at the ranch, I have decided that I do not like "hospital social work." It is not social work. It is cattle herding. Regardless of whether the patient is medically ready or even socially ready - abuse cases - they have to go if the insurance company says so. I don't get to do social work every day. I only get to clean the shit off the fan after it has hit the fan. As luck would have it, word of mouth made it to a nursing home administrator that there was a disgruntled social worker in the community who loved the nursing home and wanted to go back. I was offered a job as the Director of Social Services at a nursing home in Birmingham, as well as the opportunity to train for the administrator's job. It did not hurt that it was a $10K pay raise. So I turned my notice in. Well guess what? Yep you guessed it I just got out of the hospital again. Monday, October 30, I was readmitted to the hospital with DKA - diabectic ketoacidosis and GI bleed. While in the hospital they found that my right kidney "looked funny." Yes this is comforting. Upon further investigation, it was found that this was medulary calcidosis - I think I spelled it right. This is basically that I have had so many kidney stones in such a short period of time that it has made calcifications on my kidney. Oh did I mention I have five kidney stones in my right kidney as we speak? The good news is though that I am not in kidney failure or anywhere close to it. Most of you are probably thinking why do I even bother getting out of bed. Some days I wander the same thing. But as long as I can go I am going to go. If nothing else maybe this can be comic relief that Murphy's Law still exists. Until the next drama, good night.

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