My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Monday, May 10, 2010

my new life...

well i consider this to be the first week of the rest of my life...this is my new life...i have decided to think of my new life is an "early retirement". did not start off very well but it got better...i still have until june 2 to make a final decision of whether i will return to feelings sway many times a day...anyway...the day started with a flare up of the gastroparesis...went out to my mom's house and got some loving...snapped two pounds of fresh green beans...then my sis cut the crap out of her hand and had to have four stitches...i then came home and cooked a good supper...everything is on my new diet that i have been told i need to look at just like a recovering addict looks at their drug of choice...think about it...if i eat the wrong foods (drug) then i get sick....i cooked fresh green beans, fresh turnip greens, mashed sweet potatoes, fresh, and KFC grilled was so good...did not get too much domestic stuff done today...i am telling you this housewife stuff i know nothing about...please someone leave me some tips....right now i am sitting in my chair in the den, with a full belly and feel ok....God has dropped many signs down to me that say "here is your sign Virginia" you know when you hear you first name you are in trouble....hope everyone has a great week...

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

*laughing* "You know when you hear your first name you are in trouble."
He loves you, Gin. You aren't in trouble!

If I have one domestic tip, it would be this: Do little jobs frequently, rather than thinking you need to conquer enormous tasks. Cuz the overwhelming idea of the great big job will be enough to keep you from ever getting to it.