My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Monday, November 03, 2008

you can't put a dollar sign on a peace of mind

there is a new song by the zac brown band called "chicken fried" says, a little bit of chicken fried, a cold beer on a friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right and the radio on...

in a few lines it says, "you can't put a dollar sign on a peace of mind." i love that line..that is so true

some days are better than others and we handle situations differently, but at the end of the day as long as i have peace of mind i am ok.

in my line of work i feel like all i do is fuss at people and correcting mistakes and blunders that happen in the nursing home...but at the end of day i can usually lay my head down and know that i have tried to do my best to help someone...that is peace of mind

today i got to be part of something that was pretty remarkable. i got to go the day program in st clair county which is a program for mentally disabled individuals. these individuals come to this program everyday and learn different skills. i was able to be part of presenting a check for $500 to the program that will help buy christmas presents for these special angels. it was real humbling. things that we take for granted, eating, cleaning up, toileting, crafts...these people have to work really hard to accomplish these tasks...they were so innocent and loving and was just real special.

another thing i got to do this week was dress up for halloween with my i was a deviled egg..don't ask..i will post pictures later...these elderly people had so much fun being kids and having fun...sometimes we forget how to have fun...we dressed our weenie dogs, sissy lynn and bubba joe, up as hot was great

it has been a good few days...yes i have bumps in the road...but i have peace of mind...that is all that matters.........

i found this online...think about it...

Peace Amid Chaos

I don’t know anyone who is especially peaceful at this moment. The whole world feels a bit threatening. So many of us find ourselves in a tumultuous and unsure state of being. We are filled with fears and worries – about losing our homes, jobs, retirement packages, freedom. We are concerned about the state of our nation, the election, the war. Each day presents a new struggle we must grapple with. There is no doubt these are tough times. However, if we try to redefine our personal definition of peace, and look for gentle ways to incorporate it into our everyday lives, we might find a way to better weather the storms.

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