My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

thankful thursday...

ok so i have not been faithful to do a thankful thursday every thursday...but as a dear friend once told me, failure is never final unless it is the last time you try, so here goes...

1. i am thankful that i did not break anything when i decided to go skiing out the front door yesterday - my hubby's comment was, did you break your know they have a room for you at the nursing home!

2. my den is painted and my new floors will be down when i get home from my in laws on sunday - thanks miranda and kevin

3. my job - i get to truly help people everyday = i get to see them smile over very simple things = a hug, a kiss on the cheek, a sticker that says, you rock, just the simple things

4. my children - i have the two best kids in the world - they love me unconditionaly

5. my hubby - yes he is a smarty pants - but he is amazing

6. my friends - those i have had forever, those i have reunited with through cyberspace and those that i have met through cyberspace

7. for each new day - although i try to make the most of each day, i know that if i live to see the next day i have the opportunity to do a "do over"

8. for the show "clean house" - first it makes me realize that there are other people whose house looks worse than mine, second, it gives me ideas of what to do in my own house

9. that although this world has many mean people in this world, but it is full of good, nice people who just don't get the spotlight

10. all the blessings that God gives me that i may not realize

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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