My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Friday, August 27, 2010

the madness has begun....

we are officially in our second week of school...sixth grade to be son is not supposed to be that old...the first week went well but the second week has been challenging...we - that being jacob- has decided it is not necessary to attempt much less complete his work in how do you think this has gone over with me the child of a retired school teacher...we have had detention this week because of this decision and our xbox, cell phone and lap top has been taken momma would have whooped my butt...but that is another story....on to other news...

stove and dishwasher have gone out this week, i have had three seizures since july 31, been to the neurologist and that is about it...

jamie helped me in the house got cleaned, floors swept and groceries bought....i felt like i had been let out of a cage...i have not been out or driven since july...this whole seizure thing is putting a dent in my life...i never know when one is going to hit or what triggers is real scary...but i have wonderful friends who have been so supportive and prayerful for family has rocked...getting jacob to and from school...going to the pharmacy for me...taking me to buy groceries...much more gracious than i deserve...

i am going for tilt table testing sometime next seems that my seizures happen when i am getting up from a sitting doc thinks that it could be my blood pressure that is triggering these i will go for this test and see what it shows...they will put me on a table...strap me down and put a blood pressure cuff on my arm and measure it at different angles...if this does not give us any answers then i will go spend two days at uab where they will do an extensive EEG that is we are working on finding the answer....the bad part is that we may never find out what causes them...i ask that all of you continue to pray for me and my family as we go through this trial....

love & peace

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

Gin, as I read this I can't help but think about the verse I'm pondering in Psalm 139 right now. "...your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (v.16)
As I consider this verse I am reminded of a great quote I heard several years ago, "HE sees what we can't, and HE knows what we don't." (Kathy Troccoli) Your seizure condition is a mystery to you at this moment, but GOD sees your brain, HE knows what is causing the trouble, and I pray He will reveal the answers to your docs - as He uses them to care for you.

As for your stubborn sixth grader - that's where I was last year. *sigh* Hang in there, Mom!