My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Thursday, July 16, 2009

the way i spent my first day off....

this should be of great enjoyment to anyone who reads this...i woke up this morning to no before i go any must understand that we have more utility problems than the common citizen...we have a power company whose CEO is Mickey Mouse (we have lost power 6 times this summer - all were transformers that had been hit by lightening) ...we have a phone company that is run by The Wiggles (if anything wiggles in the atmosphere the phone and internet go out) and our local water department is run by Barney Fife...(if you should have a water problem good luck getting anyone out here to look out...and if they come out then they pull up in the yard honk the horn and holler "what's the problem?" to which i have responded numerous times, "that is what i called you for!" ok so on to the i call the water department...this is the water department...yes has anyone reported a water problem off of ridge we have no one has called and if it was our problem we would have received more calls...well i still don't have water...have you checked your pressure what is that...a mechanism on your turn on / off you need to go check it before you call you are not going to send anyone out to check it...i did not say we were not going to send anyone out but you still need to check your pressure regulator...

ok so by this time i am furious...i go outside to see if i can find the on/off valve to check this infamous pressure i really know what i am looking for...only to discover my yard is full of water and continues to pour out from under the house like niagra falls...ok so at this point it is not the pressure regulator nor is it the water department's i have to call them back to tell them not to send anyone out...yes this was embarrassing but let the fact remain they were i tell them it appears to be a broken pipe...hang up the phone...go out to again find this valve...find it and cut if off...

so i call the plumber we have used return call...called another guy that i went to high school return phone call and then i hear someone honking in the yard...i go to the door to find the local water department...they roll their window down and say "what's the problem?" I tell them that i called and told them not to send anyone out...well the other genius in the truck says, "There is your problem water is coming out from under your house." i wanted to say, "really sherlock" honestly, there were other thoughts that were going through my mind...

so they leave and i call a third plumbing company...they will get all of my future business...why because they called me back and had someone out here within 2 would think as tight as money is right now people would do a better job at customer these two guys come out who looked like i needed to make them sit down and do their homework and fix them some cookies and kool aid....come out in the rain...they come in to tell me that a pipe had come loose under the house and the reason it did was because it looked like it had been repaired before but whoever repaired it only glued one side...that person would be the plumber we had used before...note to self...don't use him again...anyway they got it fixed and i have water....

i don't do domestic problems well...if you really want to see me mad let a "machine" break...such as no air let's add water...i deal with personal emotional problems not machines...

so hopefully the rest of my time off will be spent relaxing while we are at the beach...we leave in the morning...i am so excited...just to get away....

1 comment:

April Cluck said...

I am soooo sorry, but that was hilarious...or how you wrote it was hilarious...just what I needed. I tried to contact you via e-mail but I guess you didn't get it, so here's my e-mail'm going to follow your blog...I can see that our lives have several parallels even aside from a blended family.

Life thru Logic and Faith