My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Ramblings for the 4th....

Well today is July the 4th! I hope everyone has had a great day, great food and great family time - I had great work time. Yes I had to work. However, my mom did bring me some ribs and potato salad from my grandmother's house.

You know at different times in our lives we think about how fortunate and blessed we are - or at least I do. I work in a nursing home and never really realized how blessed I am to be able to go outside everyday and enjoy the rain, sun and / or humidity! As I was working today, I watched people walk by my office on their way to visit their loved one. I don't know why it suddenly hit me, but it did. The realization that not only do we live in a country where we are free but everyday that we wake up in our own home, in our own bed and with our family is another Independence Day! I am able to get my own food, go to the bathroom on my own, dress myself, bathe myself and all those other daily things without any assistance. How must it feel to know that everything I need or want I have to ask someone for - and the chance of my getting what it is that I want or need depends on whether or not the employee answers my call light.

These are thoughts that I have today as I also think about the men and women who have served over the past 200+ years to ensure that we are able to celebrate Independence Day!

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