My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Reality Check

you know it is great to be alive! i don't really know where this thought came from, but it has really been on my mind the past few days. there is baby ethan fighting for his life, a co worker of mine was in a real bad car accident and is in critical condition and then there are the people who live at the nursing home. i worked today and had some quiet time. i was looking over the census and we have people from 18 to 104. 18 years old and in a nursing home. i cannot imagine. i spent about an hour today with one of my residents. he is 28 years old and very wise. he is a hurricane katrina evacuee. it was nice to sit and talk to somebody who has traveled a different road than i. we talked about the Bible, church and such. i just realized that i take alot for granted and need to be more appreciative. i hope everyone has a blessed day!

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