My Bassakward Group

My Bassakward Group

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just muddling through

Well alot has gone on since we last talked. Some good, some bad. I continue to have health problems and scares. This one I am going through now feels like it the final straw. I feel like I am being whittled away slowly from the funloving, carefree, compassionate, spontaneous person I used to be. I can't discuss it at this time but I will good or bad when we get the results in. I have alot of stuff going on as far as medical tests go. I really just get tired of going to the doctor and being poked on like a pin cushion. It gets very old very quickly. Enough of that... My mom is doing ok but we are very concerned about my dad. I feel so helpless. I have spent my career helping people get to the bottom of the problems they are having and it does not seem like I can help my own family. Isn't that weird how that works? I just have to stand by and watch. My kids are growing WAY too fast. Jacob is getting ready to play football. He has been kicking field goals for over a year. They are anywhere from 25 to 30 yards with about 90% accuracy. Jamie has started her own Mary Kay business. The website is I am real proud of her for all the hardwork and dedication she has had despite some others who have tried to stand in her way. Stephen is good as usual. He is like a work horse. I have never known a man who worked harder than him. He never complains. He is always here to take care of me or take me to the hospital. I know he loves me beyond words. I am so blessed to have been given him as my husband. Although I am down and scared, my family brings me laughter and happiness. I hope your family does the same things for you. Peace and love, Gin

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